Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Izanagi Okami shrine in Ryogoku

The deity Izanagi has been worshiped since at least the beginning of the 8th Century C.E. and gained popularity during the Edo Period.  Izanagi is a deity of fertility, rice, agriculture in general, blacksmiths, industry, and foxes and can be portrayed as a man, woman, or androgynous suggesting that the Izanagi may be a combination of several deities.  Izanagi has remained in favor in modern Japan by having a connection with business and industry.  Izanagi shrines are typically easy to identify since images of foxes are usually present.  These kitsune are messengers of Izanagi.  This positive representation of foxes intrigues me since many rural superstitions exist, particularly in northern regions,  portraying foxes as  mischievous supernatural creatures that cause all any number of problems including possession.  Even up until the 20th century families that had been labeled "fox owning" families were persecuted by their villages.

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