Thursday, April 5, 2012

Umbrella Vending Machine

Although I am usually not a fan of focusing on "only in Japan" sort of things, but the umbrella vending machine was just too difficult to ignore.  Anyone who comes to Japan is aware of the relationship shared by the Japanese and vending machines.  Just about anything can be found in one, to include umbrellas.  While strikingly odd to an American, such a vending machine actually makes a lot of practical sense in Japan.  The machine pictured above was located in a hotel lobby in a urban area.  In large Japanese cities, walking is often the primary means of transportation along with trains and buses, which still require the individual to walk before and after getting on board public transit.  So a sudden change in the weather forecast can make a large impact on a person's day so a convientently located umbrella vending machine is actually very practicle.

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